
What is Wilmot's Current Visitor Policy?

Aug. 24, 2021
Visitation policy at Wilmot as of Feb. 16, 2023

Read more about the hospital visitation policy at UR Medicine hospitals.

We understand how important loved ones are when it comes to cancer. However, people with cancer are among the most vulnerable when it comes to COVID-19. Knowing this, it is our responsibility to protect our patients and our employees by limiting visitation. 

If you are coming to an appointment: 

  • Patients coming in for a clinic appointment may have two visitors or support persons, when waiting room space allows. 
  • Visitors are not currently permitted in the radiation therapy waiting area because of the limited space available. 
  • In the infusion center, 1 visitor is allowed at a time with the patient. 

All visitors must review screening criteria for illness before entering. If waiting area space is too full, visitors may be asked to wait in their car until the visit begins. Please ask a staff member if you have questions. 

If you are admitted to the hospital and staying overnight

  • Two visitors are allowed at the bedside at a time. 
  • Visiting hours are anytime between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 

To keep everyone safe, medical masks are still required. Individuals who are sick or believe they may have COVID may not visit. Visitors will be asked to attest that they are symptom/COVID free.​ 

Please speak with your care team if you have questions.