
Third Generation EIOH Orthodontist Graduates This Week

Jun. 23, 2021
EIOH Graduating Resident Feature

Jessica St. Martin (Ortho ’21)

One could say it’s in Dr. Jessica St. Martin’s blood to become an orthodontist. After all, her late father and grandfather were orthodontists, both trained at Eastman Institute for Oral Health.

Dr. St. Martin and her husband
Dr. Jessica St. Martin and her family will move back to Arizona after graduation.

“My dad passed away before my first application cycle,” Dr. St. Martin shared. “When I didn't apply to Eastman, he was disappointed because he really wanted me to attend Eastman. But I didn't apply because my husband's job at the time didn't allow it.”

Her dad, Dr. James Glauser (Ortho ‘95), passed away a few weeks before her interviews at UCSF and ASDOH, but she wasn’t accepted for that cycle. With five younger siblings, she attended the AEGD program in her native Arizona to be close to her family.

“After the AEGD, I applied to Eastman and knew it would make my father very proud,” she said. “I had over 10 interviews lined up for other programs, but when I came to Eastman for my interview, I knew that was the place I was meant to be.”

Dr. St. Martin was a small child when her dad was a resident at Eastman. “Our assistant Barb and Admin Shar knew me as a small child coming to pick my dad up from residency with my mom,” she recalled. “In a way, it kind of felt like coming home when I came here for residency.” 

“My dad and his dad, Dr. Russell Glauser (Ortho ‘63), both studied with Dr. Subtelny,” Dr. St. Martin explained. “My grandfather opened a practice in Mesa, Arizona and my dad joined it in 1995 and grew the practice to a very large, successful practice in the valley. He was a staple of the local community.”

Although deeply saddened by her father’s passing, Dr. St. Martin looks on the bright side. “I would have loved to work side by side with my father,” said Dr. St. Martin, who worked for her dad as an assistant for four years during college, “but I feel very blessed to carry on his legacy.

“I got to know the type of practice he created and I hope to emulate his commitment to exceptional orthodontics and carry on my family's legacy,” she added. “Who knows? Perhaps one day my daughter, who was born the month I started residency, will someday attend Eastman and become a 4th generation Eastman Orthodontist.” 

Any thoughts about your residency occurring during the historical Covid pandemic?
It was very difficult but we came together and made the best of a bad situation and found a way to safely treat patients and further our education. We had many hours of extra online trainings such as Invisalign and many wonderful case discussions. I feel very prepared to enter the orthodontic profession despite the pandemic setback. 

Favorite Memory?

Dr. St. Martin in costume as a rock star
All the EIOH residents dress in costume at Halloween.

My favorite memory is when we all dressed up as Disney characters in 2019 and Rockstars on 2020 on Halloween and treated patients and laughed and had a fun time celebrating together. Our department is like family and we really enjoy spending time together inside and outside of school. I had a big party at my house in 2019 and we all stayed up until 3:00 in the morning enjoying each other's company. 

Any awards won/publications during your time here?
I published my research paper in the European Archives of Pediatric Dentistry. Citation: St Martin JG, Javed F, Rossouw PE, Michelogiannakis D. Influence of mini-screw implant-assisted intrusion on orthodontically induced inflammatory root resorption: a systematic review. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2021 Jan 10. doi: 10.1007/s40368-020-00588-w. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33423207.

Did the EIOH experience make a better you?
I gained an excellent education that will serve me well. We aim for excellence in the art of diagnosis and treatment planning and gain a very strong foundational understanding of orthodontics. I feel prepared to use any bracket or aligner system and apply my knowledge and create beautiful smiles for many years to come. 

What are your plans/next steps upon graduation?
​I am going to work in private practice in Mesa, Arizona as an associate. 

What will you miss the most?
I will miss the people the most. I enjoy seeing my patients, my co-residents, our faculty, and support staff. I also will miss the absolutely stunning beauty of the four seasons we have in Rochester especially when I am in the scorching heat of Arizona springtime.