
Meet the 2024 Rising Chief Residents

Jun. 5, 2024

Five new Chief Residents are ready to take on the challenges and responsibilities of leading their peers in Internal Medicine and Medicine/Pediatrics. Starting June 25, these exceptional individuals will begin their roles, guided by program directors Amy Blatt, MD, and Erica Miller, MD. Get to know these future leaders of the Department of Medicine.

Internal Medicine


Joseph Galgano, MD

Where are you from? I'm originally from a small town on Long Island called Franklin Square.

Medical School: SUNY Upstate Medical University

What are you excited about for your chief year? I am most excited about hopefully making the wards and the clinic a fun place to learn for both residents and medical students. Teaching and making learning fun are some of my biggest passions.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I have two! I make my own homemade pasta, and I was once hit in the face with a baseball live on TV at a Mets game in 2006 (I still have the ball and the video)

Meg Kruithoff from Meg

Margaret Kruithoff, MD

Where are you from? Mostly from central Maine, but I spent my childhood in the Washington D.C. metro area.

Medical School: Tufts University School of Medicine - Maine Track Program

What are you excited about for your chief year? I am most looking forward to the role of clinician educator, particularly facilitating morning report. I'm excited to be surrounded by and learn from IM program leadership and serve as an advocate and mentor for our IM residents.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I've worked on several farms growing food and raising animals in Maine, NY, and even Scotland.


King Mazumdar, MD, MBA

Where are you from? Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Medical School: Albany Medical College

What are you excited about for your chief year? I am excited to sit in the chair in the Chief office - it looks so comfortable! But for real - to meet and teach medical students and residents at all different points in their medical careers, and in turn learn from them, as well!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I am a lifelong Chelsea FC fan and have not missed a game in 15+ years. I have two Guinea pigs at home. I couples matched here with Kelly Russo, who will be an ID Fellow here next year!


Angelina Winbush, MD

Where are you from? I am from the heart of Pittsburgh, PA

Medical School: University of Rochester

What are you excited about for your chief year? I am eager to strengthen my chalk talks, absorb all I can through leading morning report, and begin to craft my style in my new attending role.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I am the mother to a joyful and energetic one-year old! Navigating motherhood and medicine has been the greatest adventure yet.



Victoria Mattick, MD

Where are you from? Rochester, NY

Medical School: Albany Medical College

What are you excited about for your chief year? I'm really looking forward to mentoring residents in the unique chief role as well as connecting residents to program leadership to facilitate resident-driven change, promote an inclusive and supported learning space, and continuously develop our residency program to meet resident goals. I'm also excited to continue to grow my teaching and precepting skills, keep my continuity clinic patient panel, and facilitate morning report!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I enjoy teaching and playing soccer! I previously spent several months in Namibia teaching math and running an after-school soccer program.

The DOM would also like to show appreciation to the 2023-2024 chief residents who have done an outstanding job. What’s next for each of them? Several of them are staying here within URMC! We also asked them for their words of wisdom and advice for the next Chief Residents.


Taylor Cox, MD will be an academic primary care doctor at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan

"My advice is to remember that people often tell you about what’s going wrong and rarely about what’s going well. So remember that 95 percent of your schedule is working perfectly when you hear about the 5 percent of issues. It’s helpful to keep problems in perspective when they crop up."


Anima Ghimire, DO will be a Rheumatology fellow at URMC

"Having four categorical and one med/peds chief allows you to spread the work so you never feel alone in any important decision making. We all support each other, whether it's covering someone's workday or answering an email on the person's behalf."


Piotr Karmilowicz, MD will be a Cardiology fellow at URMC

"You will exist in a strange administrative space as a bridge between our admin office and our residents. I encourage you to continue to foster and build relationships with every resident as ultimately your job is to advocate for them. There is something magical about that open door and the chief couch that can tell you a lot about what someone might be going through. It's not always apparent who might need your help the most."


Sarah Rusnak, MD will be a faculty member in Hospital Medicine

"My best piece of advice for the new chiefs is to use your team to help you! Your co-chiefs, former chiefs, PD and APDs are wonderful resources and all willing to help with challenges that occur."


Erin Good, MD will be a faculty member at the Med-Peds residency clinic, Culver Medical Group, and the Complex Care Center

"Wellness can be difficult to grasp and model for our residents. It's about finding active things that fill your cup, things at work and things not at work; conversations with fellow residents about an interesting case, quiet time to sit and learn about something new, a conversation with a patient that reminds you of your 'why,' a walk outside, a nightly cheesy tot indulgence, a yoga class, time with family. Sprinkle wellness in many places, big and small, so that you always have at least one thing to bring you joy. Each one helps you weather the storms and builds a little more wellness."