EIOH Resident Spotlight - Dr. Radhika Thakkar
After completing an AEGD preceptorship and a Research Fellowship, Dr. Radhika Thakkar, BDS,MPH is graduating from the two-year AEGD Residency Program.
Q. Where are you from?
A. India
Q. Any presentations at conferences?
A. AAID annual conference- American A cademy of Implant Dentistry -poster presentation October 2021
Q. Best memory of your EIOH residency?
A. Meeting people from all across the world and getting inspired and finding lifelong friendships
Q. In what way did your EIOH experience allow you to grow professionally?
A. I have an entirely new perspective on many dental procedures, all thanks to amazing faculty guidance. I don’t think I have ever been and will ever be surrounded by as many talented and intelligent mentors and researchers as well as co-residents as I am seeing here at EIOH.
Q. In what way did your EIOH experience allow you to grow personally?
A. I am more open to trying new things and sharing my ideas because of unique experience as AEGD resident and mentor for dental assistant training program. I believe that, teaching at Eastman for the Dental Assistant Training Program is like joining a team of colleagues. It’s gratifying to witness the journey trainees take from classroom to clinic
Q. What are next steps after you graduate?
A. Continue to be part of Eastman family as GME resident combined with Faculty position.
Q. What’s the best advice you ever received?
A. Never stop learning
Q. Favorite part of Rochester?
A. I love 3 things about Rochester. 1. Wegmans 2. Rochester residents are renowned for their warmth, kindness, and welcoming nature, setting them apart from their counterparts in other regions. 3. lots of beautiful state parks are perfect for camping in summer.
Q. Last time you were in awe?
A. On the day of my birthday, I was posted in Urgent care clinic, I was in awe when Dr Rasubala arranged surprise birthday party for me.
Q. The one thing you can’t live without?
Q. A person who has inspired you?
A. Dr. Yunker, The motivation and mentorship that Dr. Yunker has provided me has been instrumental in defining who I am and my commitment in the residency program.
Q. The one thing you’ve always wanted to do but never have?
A. I want to learn to play piano
Q. If you could change one thing about yourself, it would be?
A. Take more time for myself, to pursue interests and hobbies seriously