Congested? You Can Find Relief and Breathe Easier
When you’re congested, your head feels full and simply breathing can be hard. While sinus congestion is a minor health problem, it can lower your quality of life. You may struggle to hear, lack energy, or have issues falling or staying asleep.
Why Am I Congested?
Stuffy noses have many causes. A few congestion triggers include:
These triggers inflame blood vessels in your nasal tissue. Swollen nasal tissue then narrows the path from your nose to your throat, resulting in a congested nose and breathing difficulties. You can also have a runny nose and congested nose at the same time.
Congestion Relief
Most cases of congestion are minor and can be treated with home remedies and over-the-counter medication.
When you’re congested, try the following:
- Head to the pharmacy. Nasal decongestants help shrink swollen blood vessels in your nose. Antihistamines help stop allergy symptoms. Nasal sprays help clear your stuffy head.
- Rely on water. Drinking plenty of water keeps mucus thin, which helps it drain more easily. Try placing a warm, moist washcloth on your face a few times every day, using a humidifier, or sitting in the bathroom while a hot shower runs.
- Make your own saline nasal spray. You can make a nasal spray in your kitchen in just a few minutes. The National Institutes of Health recommends mixing a cup of warm water—sterilized or distilled water, not water straight from the tap—with a pinch of baking soda and half a teaspoon of salt. Use the saline spray up each nostril as many as four times a day.
- Stay upright. Lying down often causes your congestion to worsen. Sit upright as much as possible. When it’s time to go to bed, use a pillow to keep your head elevated.
When Should I Seek Care for Congestion?
Sometimes, getting past congestion requires help. Seek medical care if you’re congested and experience:
- Cough for 10 or more days
- Fever with nasal discharge
- Mucus that smells bad or is a color besides yellow, clear, or white
- Symptoms that stick around for more than three weeks
- Worsening sore throat or white or yellow patches on the tonsils or throat
For fast congestion care, UR Medical offers Virtual Urgent Care. This service connects you to a medical professional without the extra steps of driving to a provider’s office and waiting in the waiting room.
Get Care Now
Virtual Urgent Care is a quick and convenient way to get telemedicine care from where you are. Available to patients over age 5 in New York State and Florida. Ready to blow past your congestion? Start a Virtual Urgent Care visit now.