Healthy Living

5 Tips for Managing Diabetes

Nov. 1, 2024

Diabetes may be common but that doesn’t make living with it easy. While there is no cure for diabetes, people who have it must learn to manage it to stay healthy.

UR Medicine endocrinologist Laticia Valle, MD offers these five tips for managing both Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes.

Understand your Type of Diabetes

Start by learning about your specific type—Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. A diabetes education program can provide valuable insights into blood sugar control, insulin management, and healthy lifestyle choices. The more you know about diabetes, the better prepared you'll be to manage it effectively.

Take your Medications Consistently

If your doctor orders medication, take it exactly as it’s prescribed. This is essential to stabilizing your disease. If you’ve slipped up and not taken it properly, or you don’t understand the directions, talk honestly with your doctor about it. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Stay Active

Exercise for diabetes control has a direct impact on blood sugar levels. Try to incorporate daily movement, like a 10-minute walk after meals. Physical activity not only improves insulin sensitivity but also benefits your heart and blood pressure, all of which are important for managing diabetes.

Don't Ignore your Weight

Healthy snacks in containers, including hard boiled eggs, carrots, berries, nuts, cucumbers, spinach.

Losing even a modest amount of weight—just 10 pounds—can have a positive impact on your blood sugar. Making small changes like a few short walks each day or choosing water over sugary soft drinks can lead to big changes over time.

What are some healthy snacks or foods for those with diabetes?

For those managing diabetes, healthy and balanced snacks and meals are key. The Center for Community Health and Prevention put together a list of local grocers that provide healthy eating options.

Get Regular A1C Testing

Make a commitment to regular A1c testing as recommended by your doctor. A1c testing monitors blood sugar levels and provides an accurate picture of them over a three-month period. It’s one of the best ways to track your blood sugar and know if it's working properly.

Treating Diabetes at UR Medicine

UR Medicine has created one of the nation's top programs for people who have diabetes or who are concerned about getting it. Your care is planned and provided by an interdisciplinary team of experts, including endocrinologists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, dietitians, diabetes and education specialists, and counselors.

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